
HypnoBirthing® - What is it and How Does it Help?

HypnoBirthing® is a philosophy and practice a couple does to prepare themselves for birthing. The philosophy revolves around the innate ability of the body to birth a baby with ease and - at times - with no pain. It also believes that birth is a normal human, physiological process, and does not need medical intervention in a healthy pregnancy, where both mom and baby are healthy - the only time would be under special circumstances. It does this by teaching the couple to relax as a way that supports the birthing person’s body to work optimally, with little to no tension. Resulting in little discomfort (and often times, pain free), and the birthing experience ends up being calm and empowering.

When a birthing person goes into labour with fear and stress, their body tends to tense up. The body feels like it is not safe to birth your baby because you are scared or stressed. When the body is stressed, blood (and as a result, oxygen and nutrients) are diverted to the heart, lungs and muscles to allow us to fight or flight. Your uterus isn’t considered an vital organ for fight or flight, and as a result, blood is shunted away to the other organs. This causes the uterus to not get what it needs to birth with ease. The tense uterus then tries to birth your baby, with the different signals you are giving it (push, push, push and it’s not safe), but because it is tense, it isn’t able to birth easily. The tension ends up causing pain, and so the cycle goes: fear resulting in tension resulting in pain, and so on.

HypnoBirthing® is able to break this cycle by teaching the birthing parent how to enter and maintain relaxation and a state of calm. This eliminate the Fear-Tension-Pain cycle because the parent feels calm. Calm tells the body that they are safe, and that they don’t need to tense up. They are able to enter the parasympathetic nervous system, or the ‘healing room’ and support their birthing organs by providing them with the oxygen and nutrition that it needs. This is happening because the body isn’t in the sympathetic nervous system state (that is caused by stress and fear) allowing uterus is able to relax and birth baby with ease.

Hypnosis can bring about negative connotations, especially with how it is depicted in shows (eg. Captain Carter, etc) as well as in the hypnosis stage shows. Hypnotherapy is nothing like that. It does use the power of suggestion to change a behaviour or perspective, etc, but if that suggestion goes against your values, you will not do it (eg. if I suggested you rob a bank that won’t happen (unless you actually would)). That being said, the hypnosis that happens during the class is meant to encourage the parents to enter a state of relaxation, and allow them to enter that state easier each time.

Relaxation is like a muscle you train. You need to train this muscle before your birthing time, since things can become very hectic. It can be difficult to get into a relaxed state with that kind of headspace. As a result, there is daily homework given to the couples to help them train these important muscles, so that when it is the birthing time, they can enter relaxation with ease.

All of this being said, my favorite aspect about HypnoBirthing® is the involvement of the partner. HypnoBirthing provides a number of ways the partner can support the pregnant person. This way, the partner has and understanding and a role to play during the birth. They can be engaged and a contributing player when it happens, instead of standing on the sidelines wanting to help, but not knowing what they can say and/or do.

If this sounds like something you want for yourself and your partner, Dr. Charmagne is regularly hosting classes at Vive Health, and South Calgary Midwives. For more information about when classes are, click here.

~ Dr. Charmagne

When Should I See a Naturopathic Doctor?

A Naturopathic Doctor (ND) is someone who has been trained and educated to become one. To become an ND, first one must have a Bachelors Degree, and meet the scientific prerequisites required to apply to an accredited Naturopathic College. Once accepted, one goes through a minimum of 4 years of rigorous academic studies, where they learn all about anatomy, biochemistry, pharmacology, physiology, etc. (like in Medical school), in addition to learning about alternative medicine (botanical medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, homeopathy, nutrition, etc.). After all of this education, they must become licensed, and write the NPLEX (Naturopathic Physician Licensing Exam), which is a 2-part licensing exam.

That being said, NDs are well equip in supporting you achieve your health and wellness goals. Don’t expect a magic pill that is a quick fix. With the different therapies at the disposal of an ND, these improvements to your health tend to take some time, because most of what is being addressed is lifestyle. This means that it tends to take a while to obtain the results you want; however, the changes are long-term, this benefits you and your life. NDs see more than just your symptoms and diagnosis, they see you for who you are, because you’re the one that is going to be implementing the changes, and if you have habits that get in the way of your goal, that needs to be addressed.

So, when should you see an ND? You should see an ND when you want to become healthier and achieve wellness, and you are ready to take responsibility and take action in becoming healthier. NDs are excellent with working with people with all types of concerns, ranging from chronic illness to preconception care, and everything in between: digestive issues, hormonal issues, stress management, sleep issues, etc. It is amazing to have someone in your corner, wanting you to experience wellness for yourself, so that you can live your life fuller, and really LIVE your life.

People who have talked to their medical doctors and have been told that there is nothing that they can do for them, or people who want to get better, and their doctors haven’t been able to help them also tend to seek out NDs for another perspective. Especially since we look at everything (NDs are somewhat notorious for having extensive intake forms) and have the time to be with you to see how different issues may be tied together.

“Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.” 
― Hippocrates

~Dr. Charmagne